Kids’ orthodontics

Pediatric orthodontics in Broken Arrow & Owasso

Few things bring parents more joy than seeing their children smile! Our goal at Duffy Orthodontics is to bring each person’s best and healthiest smile front and center.

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that the initial orthodontic evaluation should take place at the first sign of orthodontic concerns or by the age of 7. Treatment may not be necessary at this time, but this exam can tell you the best time to begin treatment and allows Dr. Duffy, our Broken Arrow and Owasso pediatric orthodontist, to work with your general dentist to provide you with the best dental health.

Early evaluation gives you and Dr. Duffy options; finding out if there are problems now gives him more treatment options and can prevent more serious – and potentially more expensive – problems later. For each patient who needs treatment, there is an ideal time to begin to achieve the best results.

Benefits of early orthodontic treatment

Early treatment is a good solution to:

  • Create room for crowded, erupting teeth
  • Reduce the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • Create facial symmetry by influencing jaw growth
  • Preserve space for unerupted teeth
  • Reduce treatment time with braces
  • Reduce the need for tooth removal

The first phase of treatment usually occurs when the patient is between ages 7 to 10 and still has their primary teeth. Orthodontic appliances may be placed to prevent a problem from occurring, correct a current problem, or help direct jawbone growth.

Multiple problems with tooth alignment, gums, jaws, and facial problems can be corrected during this first phase of treatment.

Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Duffy, our kids’ orthodontist in Owasso or Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, today to get started!